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The Shopping Friend understands beauty inside and out. Giving to charity and helping others in need is important to the philosophy of our company.

We, at The Shopping Friend, understand that you cannot have beauty on the outside without beauty on the inside. It is important to give help and support to those in need. That's our motto. And we're sticking to it.

Every client, every project, every business opportunity we are blessed with, we are grateful. We express our gratitude and thanks by donating 10% of all proceeds to various charities. Below are some of the charities we support, but we’re open to others!

With our services, not only are you investing in your own self-improvement but you’re also helping animals, small entrepreneurs around the globe, women, cancer research, and much more.

With our services, not only are you investing in your own self-improvement but you’re also helping animals, small entrepreneurs around the globe, women, cancer research, and much more.



If you get value from our info and services, you can support The Shopping Friend by shopping!

Shop through The Shopping Friend's special Amazon link and a portion of your total will go to The Shopping Friend, at no cost to you, no matter what you buy.