Is Hiring a Personal Stylist Right For You?

Working with a personal stylist is no longer for the rich and famous. Mainstream has caught on to how important and influential your image is. Your image could be a huge asset for you or a huge liability.

Working with a personal stylist is no longer for the rich and famous. Mainstream has caught on to how important and influential your image is. Your image could be a huge asset for you or a huge liability.

When new clients reach out to us about personal shopping they are always full of questions, understandably. Is working with a professional image consultant the right service for them?

Hiring a Professional Personal Stylist is an Investment

Working one-on-one with a personal stylist and shopper to polish your image comprises a lot more to it than people initially think. It is an intimate process and involves monetary investment. Like any investment, you want to be sure that value for money is worth it and really going to deliver a result that will benefit you and your life.

Working with a personal shopper or personal stylist has become mainstream, thanks to reality shows like What Not to Wear, B.O.R.N. to Style, and How Do I Look. No longer are personal stylists quietly reserved just for Hollywood or D.C. royalty. Everybody has jumped on the bandwagon for wanting an expert to refine and define a successful image for them. An abundance of personal stylists have entered the scene. In most markets, in most cities, you can now find a variety of consultants ready and excited to add more beauty into the world, client by client. And with reasonable rates that no longer break the bank.

An in-depth package with a closet analysis and a shopping spree, or two, now runs in the hundreds instead of thousands like old school Hollywood stylists. Which is great for everyone!

The Pressure to Look and Feel Good is Undeniable

We all feel pressure to look our best. Even the rich, famous, and beautiful. It's wise to get affordable professional help if you don't know how to achieve your image goals. Image credit: Getty Images.

We all feel pressure to look our best. Even the rich, famous, and beautiful. It's wise to get affordable professional help if you don't know how to achieve your image goals. Image credit: Getty Images.

The pressure to look good and impress, whether on the job, on a date, in your relationship, or on social media, has never been higher. Good image and personal styling is a way of life now. Easy picture filtering and Instagram are proof positive that people care about how they are perceived in all situations. I always remind clients that "your image speaks a million words about you before you ever even open you mouth. Make sure you love and agree with your message."

Current social studies and research reveals that your non-verbal communication makes up anywhere from 70% to 95% of your communication. With that amount of influence riding on your non-verbal conversation, you better be really aware of, and on top of, the message you are "speaking" to others.

An Image Strategy can Help You Achieve Goals Beyond Just Good Looks

Having a strategy for your style and visual presentation is not a bad idea considering the impact they have on your professional and personal success. For example, professionally, different industries have different ideas of what is appropriate. Do you know what to wear if you work in a conservative industry like banking or law? What about if you're in the engineering or sciences sector? Or retail? Or in the entertainment industry? How about if you're working in tech?

Oh, and let's not forget where you are, too. Your location makes a difference in your clothing choices. What works perfectly in New York City is not quite what works in Denver or Seattle or Los Angeles. Or Singapore!

With a well thought out style or image strategy to help you achieve your goals, your appearance will be one less thing for you to worry about. Your wardrobe is a reflection of you. Make sure you are reflecting the positive and your very best. When you look good, you will feel good. When your outer appearance accurately communicates the internal message you want to "speak" you will feel balanced and in harmony. And people will react to you suitably.

An Image Consultant can Create a Successful Image Strategy for You

A good stylist or consultant can help you develop an image strategy that helps you accomplish your personal and professional image goals.

A good stylist or consultant can help you develop an image strategy that helps you accomplish your personal and professional image goals.

If you know how to develop an image strategy of success for yourself then you are steps ahead of most. And you probably don't need to hire a professional if you already know how to do it yourself

If you don't know how to create an image strategy, that's where a professional image consultant and personal shopper comes in. You know how companies hire business consultants to eliminate inefficiencies and build systems and effective strategies for their businesses? It's the same thing with image consulting. Clients hire personal stylists to create a system that will eliminate the fails in their closet and build a wardrobe that leaves them looking great for all occasions and feeling confident.

Hiring an Expert Personal Stylist/Shopper is Right for You if:

  • You need help taking the guesswork out of packaging your visual presentation.
  • You need help building a cohesive wardrobe with pieces that all play well together to optimize your closet while producing effective, attractive outfit combinations.
  • You need guidance with your self-exploration of who you are and where you want to go.
  • You need instruction to harmonize your image with your professional or personal goals. It's not enough to just look the part, you must have the self-esteem to act the part as well.

If any of these points are you, your investment in a personal stylist could provide you with great returns!

Now just make sure you hire the right personal stylist...

Are you ready to refresh your wardrobe, look put together, and feel confident with your outfits? We can help. Find out more about our personal styling sessions and how they can take your wardrobe to the next level.

Let's get started!

If you are not in Los Angeles, Denver, or Singapore, our consulting services are also offered via internet video conferencing or telephone.

The Shopping Friend is a team of image consultants, personal stylists, shoppers, and coaches dedicated to elevating and improving our customers' and clients' lifestyles and careers through image, wardrobe, communication, and etiquette tools.